Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Import Apple to India

"This cannot be true, can it? Apple wouldn't be this stupid"
"What? I spent $300+ for Apple CareT and they do this?"
"I know it is about saving money, but BAD MOVE Apple! Let's hope you do a better job in picking personnel than the other companies I've deal with"
"Awesome! No I can talk to " John in India who just got done watching Seinfield episodes to learn how to be more American"
These are all the comments found in Newspaper and blogs when Apple decides to outsource their support to India. Steve is also planned to Visit India-bangalore in this mid of the month. So guys be ready whoever having iPod will get support in Indian-Ameroco Accent later you talk with them in Hindi. I have a Compaq Laptop and faced a problem in Hard disk. So I called 1-800-,... toll free number. I know at any cost the call will be landed in India, (I worked in backbone team for a Compaq-HP Call center couple of years before). The guy started with opening script that "Thank you for calling Compaq, a part of HP. My Name is Jerome, how may I assist you" with Americo-Indian Accent. I started talking in Tamil that I know about it is landed in a Chennai based call center. First he resists and annoyed when I started in Tamil. Later he started speaking in Tamil. So they pretend to be American guy as there is need for it. It might happen for Apple also.

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